1st ESEM Web conference

1st ESEM Web conference @ December 2nd, 2016
Educating Students in Engineering and Medicine


ESEM is an organization focusing on education in Bioengineering in Europe. It is also a network of universities and other stakeholders in Bioengineering.

This webconference was the first event in a series of events which should be an easy-to-access plattform to present and discuss new research findings in Bioengineering.

This event was especially focused on research of undergraduate and postgraduate level students. It should stimulate discussions between European partners and serve as a networking plattform.


The conference was open to all topics related to Biomedical Engineering like:

Biomechanics | Biofluidics | Biosensors | Implants | Medical Devices | Wearables | Biomedical Materials


The conference was open to all interested participants and free of charge.

The conference was be live-streamed online (browser and mobile via the GoToWebinar App). Discussions were possible. Videos of the event are in preparation.


A 200 word abstract should have been submitted to sebastian.dendorfer (at) oth-regensburg.de not later than November 12th, 2016

The following information was necessary:
- full name and affiliation (University, Bachelor- / Master study course)
- contact information (eMail address)
- Abstract not more than 200 words


>> Two presentations from each institution of the ESEM board members
>> 5 min each + 5 min for discussion